February 04 2019 0Comment
stations de pompage et de traitement d’eau potable des phénomènes de condensations


DESSICA provide a waterworks and treatment plan in France. The air treatment and dehumidification concern preservation of the equipment and premises. DESSICA supply a solution to avoid condensation, corrosion, mold.

DESSICA supply a desiccant air dehumidifier and an air handling unit. The installation is optimizing whatever the season to reduce energy consumption.

Client’s Field of Activity : Production and supply of drinkable water

Business Challenges

  • Preserve the production equipment of degradations made by condensation and corrosion
  • Limit energy consumption of ventilation system in winter

Technical Challenges
• Avoid condensation on walls and equipment
• Limit corrosion on materials and pipe
• Prevent mould apparence

Products – Solutions And Services brought by DESSiCA

• On the ground floor, DESSiCA install a double flux air handling unit with desiccant rotor with a pre-dehumidification system fed by water from the washing tarp, which ensures that a dew point lag is continuously obtained between fresh air and water temperature in the pipes in the filters gallery.
This plant treats the 1,200 m3 /h fresh air and recovers for reactivation 900 m3 /h in the room keep a slight overpressure
• Upstairs, an adsorption dehumidifier of 3500m3 /h dehumidify air in limiting fresh air input thus reheating of this air in winter
• Preserve the production equipment of degradations made by condensation and corrosion
• Limit energy consumption of ventilation system in winter

• The installation is equipped with a by-pass shutter to work differently between summer and winter, in order to optimise energy performance

Support and service
• Technical solution with low maintenance requirements apart from changing air filters 1 to 2 times a year
• Desiccant wheel life : 80% minimum yield after 10 years

Key benefits and return on Investment (ROI) for ROANNAISE DE L’EAU
• The mode of operation and solution provided by DESSiCA with SOGEA fully met the expectations of ROANNAISE DE L ‘EAU
• Due to DESSiCA’s dryers’ installation, ROANNAISE DE L’EAU have dry premises all year and reduce the energy consumption of air dryer unit
• The units are now in operation since 2014. So far, no deterioration on equipment has been found (pipes and walls)

DOWNLOAD HERE -> CASE STUDY : Waterworks -Avoid condensation, corrosion, mold.

To contact us and learn more : +33(0) 4 74 08 44 44 or europe@dessica.fr
